3 Answers
Bicchuram Aveek
·2009-09-05 06:53:06
Q. Q2 (4cos29-3)(4sin263-3)=?
a) tan 9
b) tan 18
c) sin 45
d) tan 45
Your Answer: (b)
Correct Answer: (a)
Score: -1
I did the following:
= cos9.cos3θ.(-sin63).sin3θ
= cos 9° cos 27° sin 63° sin 9°
But the answer is not coming.
Pls tell me where I went wrong.
Lokesh Verma
·2009-09-05 07:14:31
I think you have made a small mistake.. you have to divide the expression by cos 9. sin 63.. which i think you have missed out!