Test:26 QNo:9

Two sides of a square lie on lines 3x+4y=1 and 3x+4y=6, find the area.

5 Answers

dvijendra patel ·

distance between two lines=5
bcs this twi lines are parralel
area of square is ≡length*width
so area is 25

Razek Zaman ·

Area is 1, not 25

Think over it dvijendra - not as easy as it looks !!!

Convert both equations to y=mx+c form. Dosen't the answer change ???

answersamir patil ·

i think theres a confusion
I just tried to plot the graph of both line and it appears to be a rectangle
juss confused pls help me out

Soham Mukherjee ·

The distance must be 1.....

Razek Zaman ·

@soham - yeah...dist = 1 ; so area = 1 :)

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