for 3 wat is tangential??? velocity or accln? n for 1 no data given??
Q3. edit: word missing after tangential "acceleration"
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how can we say that d potential drop between A and B won't change due to the addition of the 7ohm resistance??
See what will happen is that no matter what, the inner sphere (a) will have a charge q, the inner shell(2a) will have charge -q whlie the outer shell(3a) is something i am not concerned about..
Why i am not concerned is because theere is no work done due to that shell in moving a charge from the inner sphere to the inner shell...
So if you give a charge q to the othermost shell, x goes to the inside shell, q-x on the outer shell and -x goes on the inner sphere through the earth.
Also, the potential on the inner shell is zero...
Now calculate the potential using the two equations and the value of x, which will also give you the capacitance...
using cv=q