Q2. Lim q-->0 implies that the charge q should be small enough to get induced charge an it should have small dimensions so that it doesnt get affected by gravitational field.
this is what i think may not be correct
A few conceptual doubts -:
1) In the gravitational attraction between the earth and a stone, can we say that the earth lies in the gravitational field of the stone? If yes how is the gravitational field due to the stone related to that due to the earth?
2)Taking into account the quantization of electric charge how can we justify E = F/q
lim q->0
3) Compare hoe the electric field varies for a ) a point charge b) a dipole c)a quadrupole ?
In the figure above the force on the lower charge points up and is finite . The crowding of the lines of force , however suggests that E is infinitely great at the site of this( point charge ). A charge immersed in an infinitely great field should have an infintely great force acting on it . What is the solution to this dilemma ?
5) Electric field E has the same value at for all points in front of an infinite charged sheet. Should'nt the field near the sheet should be greater because the charges are much closer?
6) If a point charge of mass m and charge q is released from rest in a non uniform field , will it follow a line of force.
Q1. If the earth attracts the stone with force F then stone also attracts the earth with same force F (Newton's 3rd law).
So, the stone is in the earth's grav. field and the earth is in the stone's grav. field. That is why both stone and earth have acceleration.
The grav. field due to stone = F/mstone
The grav. field due to earth = F/mearth
So, Estone = Eearth*mearthmstone
Q5. As the sheet is infinite in dimensions so, all points are symmetrical with respect to the sheet. So the electric field at all points will be identical. However, if the sheet was not infinitely big then the electric field nearer would be greater than the electric field quite far away (far away relative to the dimensions of the sheet)
Q6. If there is no other external field, and the charge that is being released should not be the one producing the field. There is only electric field then the charge will follow a line of force.
Q4. Yes if you put ANOTHER charge at the point you are referring to it WILL experience infinite force. BUT the charge that is already present will experience a force that is produced by the other charge. If you consider the lower charge, it will not experience infinite force but will experience finite force equivalent to kQq/r2. This is because the lines of force is the resultant field due to both charges.
Q2. Lim q-->0 implies that the charge q should be small enough to get induced charge an it should have small dimensions so that it doesnt get affected by gravitational field.
this is what i think may not be correct
3)For a dipole it varies inversely proportional to the (distance)2
for a quadrupole it varies inversely proportional to the (distance)4
2)Milikan's oil drop experiment.
4)see in this case the electric field is finite since the charge A(upper) can experience the field due to the other charge B (lower) and also the electric field lines due to the charge B is finite at the pt where A is placed
u can think like