take both of them as shell. ok
wat is the capacitance when inner sphere is earthed and outer sphere is charged ? also show hw to found it
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6 Answers
·2010-11-01 02:02:22
no inner has to be a sphere:)
now it can be considered as a system of two capacitors as shown, first between the earthed sphere and shell and the second between shell and earth, that are clearly in parallel combination.
So C1 = 4Πε0abb - a (a general solution)
and C2 = 4Πε0b (for spherical conductor)
hence Ceff = C1 + C2
or Ceff = 4Πε0b2b - a
·2010-11-01 02:04:03
this can also be proved by finding out the potential difference between the two...
Subhomoy Bakshi
·2010-11-01 02:14:03
now the obvious question will be that WHY IS THERE 2 CAPACITANCES CONSIDERED INSTEAD OF 1??
i feel Euclid will like to answer it himself!!