well, for the first question use the fact that, the number of lines starting or ending at a point charge is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge.
15 Answers
diagrm emin kcuh ni ahi
jahan statrt hore hai woh A hai n jahn end ho r e ahi woh B hai
gimme d sol
@b555.. is dat rit wat ur sayin????????
i m asking as a doubt.. is it not proportional to mag of E????????
well, 12 lines start at A and 6 end at B therefore the ratio of charges is 2:!
well, ram, the relative closeness of the field lines is directly proportional to the intensity of the electric field. and watever i said is correct
Ya.. dats rit.. i got it........ suddenly got struck between relative closeness n no of electric liines of force........
then, i guess the key is wrong because i dont see anything wrong in the method
hmmmmmmmmmm ,.........
phir bhi if sumone's gettin sum diffrnta nswer then post
(i'll sue ma clases people )
if d ans s none of these, i ll proceed wit ma explanation..