Lokesh Verma
·2011-01-06 20:42:21
1) small compared to the system in which these two charges appear....
2) Field will be 20v/cm. (I dont know why this should happen!)
3) Potential at a point should depend on the choice of zero potential. Potential is the work done in moving a unit charge from one point to other..
It has nothing to do with potential energy. (Energy is the work done and will depend on electric field..)
Asish Mahapatra
·2011-01-06 21:46:53
2) field in x direction will be 20v/cm but there may be components of electric field in other directions the info about which we have not been given, So it can be more/less than 20v/cm
·2011-01-07 07:31:04
I am posting the full question (2nd one ) as it is given in HCV
2) The electric potential decreases uniformly from 120 V to 80V as one moves the X axis frm
x = -1cm to x = +1 cm. The electric field at the origin
a)must be equal to 20V/cm
b)may be equal to 20V/cm
c)may be grater than 20V/cm
d)may be less than 20V/cm
In book only option (b) and (c) are given as correct, but I think even option (d) should also be right.