ya i got it......5r/7.......but i thnk my metod is diff ....can nybody else ....post it his/her method???
Find the equivalent resistance of the following group of resistances between A and B. Each resistance of the circuit is R
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18 Answers
in the part 1 ....can we use concept of wheat stone bridge....????????
see the pink points and the red points
they are at equal potential.
so they can be joined....
actually ....................the question misses one resistance ......and this question becomes tougher than the original question .......and so i tried it too ......but couldn't solve it ...........so i posted it here
if anybody's still interested ...please solve the first one.
rohan check u r first digram i thnk u are missing one resistance...!!!
i knw frm where these q are......
Kisi ka 1st vala aaya?? I got the first one though.. simple use of symmetery.
where is the symmetry in part 1) ????
can u recheck this question???
tihs is really gud q ..........i dont understand why does not nyone try to solve it.
eureka did u try this q.....?????
in the first fig can we use perpendicular symmertry...???
this is for' b' one......even im stuck in 'a'....its.....really awesum q......worth trying..!!!!!!!!!