Equivalent Resistance

Please provide solution

5 Answers

Shaswata Roy ·

Let the a battery be connected between A to B.Let us assume that current flows from A to B.
Consider the following 2 cases:

(i)Current I flows from A and spreads outwards(to infinty).
The net current flowing through the branch AB= \mathbf{I/6}}.

(ii)Current I comes in from infinity and leaves from B.
The net current flowing through the branch AB= \mathbf{I/6}}

Hence by the principle of superposition current flowing through AB = \mathbf{I/3}}

Equivalent resistance = R/3

Akash Anand ·

Where is the question boy ??

Prankster piyush ·

this is an infinite wire grid. cells are equilateral triangles. the resistance of each wire btwn neighbouring
joint connection is r°. find the net resistance btwn pt a & b

Akash Anand ·

Is r3 is the answer.

Akash Anand ·

In this kind of question try to find the current distribution, multiply it by two (why??..you should meet me to know that).The co-efficient of i will be the co-efficient of resistance of one smallest branch

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