i guess any general time, not mentioned
what is the current flowing in G?
PD across 5F capacitor....
PD across 4F capacitor...
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8 Answers
at what time instant ??
steady state or inititally ??or at any general time ??
i have a dbt whether a galvanometer read a decaying or a growing current as we know these instruments wont works on d.c .
let us cinsider after steady time as generall these questions expect this answer
simply using kirchoffs law along the path of the resistors
we get i as 0.2 now again using kirchoffs law we can use and get the answer
Now here is a small qsn, in a normal wheastone bridge, we can exchange battery and galvanometer, can we do the same here......I guess that may simplify things.
I read a formula..or something like that last yr for RC wheatstone....let me check my notes..
YEs the answer comes to 0.2
I dont think we can exchange it there because the G has a Resistence of 0.1 Ω \
So we cannot