4 Answers
consider one ring ....each microscopic charge on this ring interacts with every microscopic charge on the second ring...we calculate this interaction force between a single charge on one ring and all the charges of the other ring,,,,,then integrate over the whole ring to calculate the net force of interaction !(this is just a first look try) !
One more comment to what debotosh just said..
Take the component of that force in the x axis direction only... and multiply that by 2pi r1
(If you are finding the force on the ring r1 due to r2)
Yup that is true (both will experience equal force)
That question itself is not very simple..
You will have a very dirty kind of integral..
For this question, the simpler part you can solve is by assuming that r1 is very small....
SO you can simply use the electric field at an axial point :)