is it more than one
A non conducting ring has linear charge density λ
match the following
a)λ=λ0 1)Electric field at the centre of the ring is in direction of -j
b)λ=λ0 cosθ ;0≤θ≤2π 2)Electric field at centre of ring is zero
c)λ=λ0 sinθ ;0≤θ≤2π 3)Electric potential at the centre is zero
d))λ=λ0 (1-cos2θ) ;0≤θ≤2π 4)Electric field at the centre of the ring is in direction of -i
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4 Answers
a - 2
they cancel each other.
Net charge in the ring is zero so potential zero at center.. (all charges are at same distance..)
I and IV quad has field in -i direction (away from them) and quad II and III has towards them -i (there is symmetry in charge direction so only -i component no j component..)
same reason as b
as it is proportional to sin2θ always positive so field is zero as in a (here also charge is symmetrically distributed..) But potential cannot be zero as only +ve charge..