it is really fascinating
answer it soon
i think no one is able to answer
In electron's frame of reference, attractive electrostatic force is balanced by centrifugal force [don't chuckle to read that word as many including me often do ;)] and thus doesnot move! (remember we are in electron's reference frame!)
NOW we change reference frame to the nucleus, the only force acting on it is the force of electrostatic attraction due to eletrons and STILL the nucleus doesnot accelerate towards the electrons!! the question is WHY??? :P
{ok...people might argue that i am talking about the bohr's model which is let me change it .... lets take the Sun-Earth system instead of nucleus-earth system!!}
so the question changes to::
In earth's frame of reference, attractive gravitational force is balanced by centrifugal force [don't chuckle to read that word as many including me often do ;)] and thus doesnot move! (remember we are in earth's reference frame!)
NOW we change reference frame to the sun, the only force acting on it is the force of gravitational attraction due to earth and STILL the sun doesnot accelerate towards the electrons!! the question is WHY??? :P
I am hoping a sixer right away for this googly!! ;)
Many might argue due to the presence of other 8 planets and all....for them please discuss the stability of the Bohr Hydrogen atom...which was well-accepted for years!!
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8 Answers
i remember the detailed explanation of this being provided in class 9 NCERT or some reference books as to why the moon falls (but actually does not fall) to the earth
t was my doubt till 11 th even then i looked back @ my 9th books and got the answer (atleast to satisfy myself)
dunno whether that will be able to satisfy subho
The sun accelerates towards the COM of our solar system ??? the earth does not revolve about the COM of sun , but about the COM of the solar system.
same thing for the sun . Only difference is that since sun's mass being very large, COM of solar system is close to COM of sun .
btw the question has an interesting line :
"NOW we change reference frame to the sun, the only force acting on it is the force of gravitational attraction due to earth and STILL the sun doesnot accelerate towards the electrons!!" hah!
The answer to this question would be the same I believe that we give for Earth-Man problem.
In case of Sun, the gravitational acceleration acting on it is very small however in case of Earth, its the opposite.
Ratio of Earth's mass and sun's mass is 1:100 so if we apply
g= GM/R2
the acceleration in sun's case would be very small!
ya the acc is there but very very minute..............
so does that mean that one day....all the NUclei will fall into the electrons?? ;)