dnt know pritish.........plz someon e confirm the ans
8 Answers
Arka Halder
·2010-02-24 00:02:42
2.the metals are identified by the characteristic colour and then further analysis of their ppts which helps in detecting the metal.
Arka Halder
·2010-02-24 01:31:08
ya pritish,you are right.
Nitrous oxide has been used for anesthesia in dentistry since the 1840s. The most common use is as a 50:50 mix with oxygen (commonly known as Entonox or Nitronox) delivered through a demand valve; it is frequently used to relieve pain
·2010-02-24 01:41:30
Ans 3..the metals which form a black ppt wen H2S is passed through their acidified solution are HgS , CuS , PbS...
Ans 4 Iodine..NCERT Pg 192