1- electric fld between plates of parallel capacitor is 2.and charg on two plates are 10 and 3?find force on 1 of plate???
2-a dipole is placed parallel to x-axis and having coordinate (x,y)...and electric field is non uniform in +y-direction varying as kβ .??
hey guys plz solve this qestion my frnd askd this qestion and want the sol urgently??
plz solve this?
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2 Answers
pritishmasti ...............
·2010-12-14 07:44:18
that doesn't look like a varying electric field in ques 2
·2010-12-14 08:10:46
u know i think the total charge on the plates is 10 and 3
thereofre the charge on th eouter plates will be 6.5 on both and the charge on the inner plates will be 3.5 thereofre the force of attraction will be qe is equal to 7 N