eq resistance = 9 r8
second one please explain clearly.. first one please confirm answer..
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12 Answers
in second one try making capacitor's circuit
and keep in mingd that plates that are touched by a single wire are in same potential
thats the way I approached first one,Im getting 33r/17,check you calculation. 3r//3r----series with 2*2r....// with 3r/2
how did yo get "1,2 r,r" i.e two resistances in parallel beween 1,2??
(pyramid ques)
@ post no. 9....i think the points on prependicular to the line joining the two points given (b/w which we ve to find out eq. resistence say A nd B ) is at same potential....if the structure is symmetrical abt the line joinening the two points A nd B...
@ajoy : The points at same potential are points on the equator. You first find the direction of general flow of current, which in that case is A to B. This is called the axis of current. Any resistors on wires perpendicular to the axis are on the equator. And points on the equator are equipotential, which prevents flow of current through them, rendering the resistors ineffective.