P,Q,R & S lie at the edges of a SQUARE OF side A..8 WIRES OF SAME resisstance per unit length μ are connected as shown...A time varying magnetic field(inside the plane of the page) B=B0t exists in space.Then current through the wire PQ is?
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7 Answers
the middle wires will have no current
only current will be in the outermost loop...
now can you solve it?
Yes I have solved it that way....but can u say y the middle wires wll have no I?? I took all possible areas n saw that in each half of the cases I thru the middlee wires is equal n opposite..??that is y it is 0...effective area wll be that of the sq. PQRSAm I wrong??
well...I do know that prfrmance in RESONANCE xams is not all...but can u say....bhaiya..what rank shud one is gettin in resonance AITS ..which might indicate that his prparation is in the right direction?? RESO gives AITS among its all students....(NO percentile)
kamalendu i am not fully sure on this one.. i dont know how many classroom students get into iit! :(
well...I am not a classrum syudent...just appear for the AITS...anyway thnx