actually.R4 will not be shorted as the p.d. across R4 is 25/2 V and by calculation it is coming Req=8
Hey friends plz help me in this.......
I want to clear my concept........
What will be the Eq. resistance b/w the points A and B....
Each resistance in the circuit is equal to 5 Ω
According to CBSE syllabus...... Req = 8 Ω
But the thing which I 've read is that the resistor R4 will get short circuited because the points F and G being equipotential points.......
Which concept is correct.......
By solving this i am getting Req = 25/3 Ω
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 3
3 Answers
Actually u got wrong somewhere else.
Potential at F is due to current through R5 as well as the partial current through R4.[Current get divided at G. One part goes through R4 and other through R3.]
So u can't put in the idea of short circuit in the problem.
exactly...R4 will not get can they be at same potential?? they need to remain at equivalent points as seen from either way to remain at same potential....