
syllabus of alkanes for jee-2009- is

Preparation, properties and reactions of alkanes: Homologous series, physical properties of alkanes (melting points, boiling points and density); Combustion and halogenation of alkanes; Preparation of alkanes by Wurtz reaction and decarboxylation reactions.

here only 2 methods of preparation and only2-3 chemical properties of alkanes are given, but in all our iit books we have so many chemical properties and methods of preparation, so my question is whether the questions in jee will be on these given preparations and chemical properties or all he preparations and chemical properties given in the books

6 Answers

Asish Mahapatra ·

all chemical properties are interrelated .. if u can prepare alcohols from alkanes then that reaction is preparation of alcohols ... AND chemical properties of alkanes

Optimus Prime ·

more replies plz...[53]

Optimus Prime ·

reply targetiitians plz reply

skygirl ·

yes agreeing with ashish...

Optimus Prime ·

nishant sir what do u think?

Lokesh Verma ·

I dont think in chemistry..

but still if you want me to.. then yes i definitely agree to asish ;)

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