No pinky. U either need 2 send pass certificate copy (attested) or BOTH YOUR MARKSHEET AND ADMIT CARD copies.
By mistake I sent only the 10th class marksheet along with my 10th class form..........and forgot to attach class 10 admit card..................what should i do now???????????????????????????????????????????
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9 Answers
·2008-12-18 05:59:07
hey ur 10th std marksheet is enough...u needn't attach 'ne admit relax!!
Anirudh Narayanan
·2008-12-18 06:13:34
Lokesh Verma
·2008-12-18 07:32:02
Hey guys relax...
IITs are generally not very particular about these documents.
Call them up thru the phone no they have given on the brochure to be sure.
They will ggenerally take these documents at that time.
They are the best ppl to give the right answer..
Everyone else (including me) will be guessing
Good luck.