it is graph in the shape of steps of boxes (square )of unit area
draw the graph of y=[x],
then shade the area where [a]=y;here a can be any real no
11 Answers
it will be probably be in the form of small squares of unit area....
kalyan they are areas covered by the boxes mentioned
i'll post the graph tomorrow
busy now
Kalyan try to see this graph..
and then you will have some understanding..
Hint: [1.3]=[1.999]=[1.001]
Now try to replace 1 in the beginning by n
There will be boxes (Squares)
i ahve one trouble nishant bhaiya..why will it have boxes??
thnk of any point inside the square given by [0,0] and [1,1] ..
any pont that you liek
say [.7, .3]
will it satisfy [x]=[y]??? or [.7]=[.3]?
oh means if 0≤x<1 then [x]=0=[y]
means watevr values of x be ;gravity acts for x towards downwards and for y towards left??
you would be better off to solve this question.. So that i am sure that you have understood this concept nicely...
[url=]Another graph of the type.[/url]