A Satya's Corner tpe of question!!!
What is the value of log\left[(x+1)^{2} \right] at x=-2009???
Aragorn and Anirudh say:
It is 2log\left[-2009+1 \right] and thus undefined as the thing inside is negative...
Earendil and Iluvatar say:
It is log\left[(-2009+1 \right)^{2}] and the term inside is well and truly positive and so the answer too must be defined
Which group is correct??
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4 Answers
Asish Mahapatra
·2009-03-18 02:45:38
it is defined.. bcz .. logax = x*log lal provided ax is positive
·2009-03-18 02:45:52
I think second one. because we have to take MODULUS in this type of cases.