@ashish , 1Q ...no ans is wrong ...can u explain me....ur method
Thanx 4 Q2...
*)The relation "congruence modulo m" on the set I of all integers is
1. Equivalence relation
2. A partial order relation
3. Reflexive and symmetric
4. Reflexive and antisymmetric
*)What is AΔB in set language??
*)A pole of 50meter high stands on a building 250m high. To an observer at a height of 300m, the building and the pole subtend equal angles. The distance of the observer from the top of the pole is
1. 25√6
2. 25√3
*)tan nβ= n sinα cosα
1-n2 sin2α
then tan(α-β)=??
*) If three vectors A, B, C forms adjacent sides of a tetrahedron making an angle α,β,γ with each other, then what is the angle made by one of sides with it's base(triangular part)??
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