no....radius is given...u r to find the area in terms of 'r'
A regular five pointed star is inscribed in a circle of radius r
Find the area inside the star.
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12 Answers
ne idea regular star mein wat is da angle that it makes ther at vertices???
angle at the centre is 360°/5=72° thr vertices 36°
now....i m stuck
plz help......
divide this in 10 triangles.
each triange from the vertex on the circle to the other vertex.
that can be done.
multiply this by 10..
can u solve it now?
i tried it ....bhaiya...[2]
but still can't solve it.....
plz give some more hints.....
you know angle CAB and angle AOC
Vertex angle is 36 degree
so angle AOB = 72 degree
<BAC= 72+36 = 108 degrees!
you know OA. S oyou know AB=2Rcos <OAB
so oyou know cos CAB=(AB/2)/AC
Now you know all the sides of the traingles and thus the ares :)
here someone has posted before Nishant sir