well nobody trying? I'll wait for another day . and give answer you've got to give mechanism
well guys it's only testing your analytical skills partly and some chemistry skills . read the first passage carefully.and answer
it's easy . yet gave.
and second one organic is nice. try it .
passage for 1st
@ rom temp , Fe exists in bcc form known as α-iron. above 9100C , it transforms to fcc form . called as γ-iron . Above 13900C , it again exists in bcc form known as δ-iron . iron melts at 15350C .
pure iron is ferromagnetic as a result of extensive magnetic interactions b/w unpaired e-s of adjacent atoms wihch cause e- spins to be alignned in the same direction . It has a curie temp of 7680C . above this temp , thermal energy overcomes interaction b./w e-s localised on individual atoms, thier mutual alignmetn is broken
Q1) if a sample of pure iron is ferromagnetic . then unit cell of that material is
A) i B) ii
C) iii D) either i or ii
Q2) if pure iron at some temp is found to have a unit cell shown by i , then material at that temp is
A) ferromagnetic
B) paramagnetic
C) eihther ferro or para
D) doesn't correspond to α,γ or δ-iron
unit cell of paramagnetic iron is given by
A) i
B) iii
C) i or ii
D) ii or iii
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30 Answers
no . guys if this was that simple I wouldn't have given it:) think a bit more you're nearly there.
If excess H2O is present then there is every channce of attack on double bond.
Else if H2O is sufficient only for last step of Hofmann's Degradation , then the final pdt. will be :
and why would it attack double bond ???[7] any reasons for that ? y do you think it would attack tht ?
Br2 / KOH & H2O converts --CONH2 to --NH2 (Hofmann's Degradation).
H2O should also attack C = C (Addition of water across double bond).
So,(if I'm not making any mistake) final pdt. should be :
correct answers
1) deepanshu , tapan , manipalans: A
2)richa ans : C
3) sriraghav ans :C
no .
@ manipal
only first one is right
and at richa
no !
same reply as for tapan
for organic one I told .
and for first one in passage
yup A is right
as for the other Q's try them .