Just a second...

A body is in pure rolling on a fixed horizontal surface .

Choose the incorrect statements

(A)its point of contact slips with respect to the surface

(B)its point of contact has 0 accn

(C)its com always moves along a st line

(D)its topmost point always moves faster than the lowest point of contact

6 Answers


(C) is correct

(A) is incorrect

I want clarification for other 2

taran ·

pure rolling means point of contact is at instantaneous rest relative to the surface

so its point of contact has 0 accn

consider the centre of the rolling body
it has only horizontal component of velocity so its com always moves along a st line

the topmost point tangential velocity due to rotation and velocity due to motion of com are in same direction

but at the lower most point they oppose each other (here velocity of lowermost point zero )


So is the ans A & D

taran ·

only A i guess


ok So ans is A

taran ·

ya a bcoz lower most point is having velocity zero! n the topmost point gretaer velocity as explained above

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