i m getting same by both method ma*cos@
a vector along horizontal 'ma'
i need its component up the incline,it can be done in two ways & i get two answers 'ma cos θ' and 'ma/cos θ'
i was wondering which is correct and why ?
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 9
9 Answers
·2011-03-24 06:42:42
@ Kunl : Component of a vector is always lesser in magnitude than the actual vector...
·2011-03-24 06:43:53
i asked the original asker of problem he wanted component of L along wat?
btw is it really always less?..i never knew [3][3]
·2011-03-24 07:06:30
Yeah, and the component he asked for was marked with a question mark in that diagram! [202]
Anyways , the following is a logic i use : (no guarantee that it's correct)
edit in the last sentence : ....you are actually reducing the magnitude of vector L, which is unacceptable.