perpendicular to what and what
jee 1989
An electric is dipole placed in uniform electric field.
what is the minimum time taken for the charge to come from extream position to mean position?
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9 Answers
this is a very good question
think in terms of varying torque....
if you cant still solve ti ask for ahint!
okie letz assume dipole moment p ..........
now let it be in orentation @ with horizontal ............
2(Eq)asin@ = I(w^2)@
2(Eq)a = (2ma^2)w^2
Eqa/ma^2 = w^2
Eq/ma = w^2 ...............a=half distance betw. opp charges
now its simple
but my doubt is not that
does induced magnetic feild make any change on the charges
first write the torque balance equation..
express it in terms of shm equation
then find t/4.. that is all you have to do!
now the SHM equation is?
use the work done by iitimcoming