relatively to man it will change..
if a person is walking in south direction with a speed of 20 m/s and in that time the direction of the wind ne direction and if the person increases the speed and walking with a speed of 40m/s then the direction of wind will remain same or will differ . give reason?
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 5
5 Answers
The direction of wind will change for that person ( i.e relatively ). But the actual direction remains same .
If a man is running in rain then the direction of rain tend to change towards the man in his view.
The direction of rain the man is obtained by calculating the relative velocity of rain with man. To do so we have to use vector addition of these two velocities viz. that of rain and man. If the magnitude of one of the vectors change ( here the vel. of man) then the sum will change and so will the relative direction of rain man
well the direction of wind...since is in NE direction will change and that can be easily found by a concept of relative velocity and vectors method of addition and subtraction!!
had the direction of wind been due north its direction w.r.t. man wouldnt have changed and if it were due south, the direction might have remained same or turned opposite or man might have feeled there is no wind!!(why?)
for all other directions there would be a change in direction w.r.t. man
w.r.t. man means with respect to man which signifies the way the man perceives!!
"Also only with respect to man the direction can change..while people at rest will always see the rain as it was falling earlier wether or not ANY OTHER man jumps runs hops or whatever!! :P"