What to do and what not to do in the last month before IIT-JEE

What to do and what not to do in the last month before IIT-JEE


2 Answers

sanju321 ·

As the exam is on 8th April which have just few days remain I would suggest to all the candidates that they should revise all the things once and take as much as practice test they can and must check the answer key to review their test here:- http://jee.learnhub.com/lesson/21069-jee-2012-answer-key-solutions-and-analysis-on-learnhub

Manoj Srivastava ·

Hi all, get relevant and useful flash animations in physics at http://www.mksfoundation.com/flashlets.aspx
and lot of other free stuff for JEE preparation at this site.

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