on which side do u wanna know:
front side,back side or on top?
When do you do get more wet - when you walk in the rain or when you run?
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8 Answers
wen u run per sec u occupy more area and hence more rain falls on u
wen u run per sec u occupy more area and hence more rain falls on u
But when you walk, you are exposed to the rain for more time!
I think it depends on your velocity and velocity of rain...
How can you talk about walking and running whats the difference between them in terms of Mathematics...
Ok. For a given velocity of rain what will be the answer? And by running I mean going at a speed appreciably greater than his speed of walking!
P.S : Abhishek, please don't snare me in techinicalities! Please! ;)
I guess when you are stand still ... only a limited portion of your body (i.e. top of your head) is exposed to rain ( assuming direction of rain is normal to the ground, i.e. no wind is present).
If you run, the velocity vector of rain becomes inclined towards you and hence larger portion (i.e. front portion of your body) gets exposed and thus, you get more wet.
I can't tell you if that's the right answer coz I don't know the answer myself ;)