game guys (+2) gals (-2)
game guys (+2) gals (-2)
New Game GUYS(+2) N GURLZ(-2)
GUYS(+2) N GURLZ(-2)
This is the newest and hopefully a good thread. The game is simple and easy
All you hafto do is.. 4 every boy that comes to this thread adds 2 (means NUmber +2) and every girl subtracts 2 (means NUmber -2)
and I start with "100"
if guys hit 200 they win
if gurls hit 0 they win, simple
so here 100
no Consecutive entries r allowed
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 192
192 Answers
guys y r u wasting time on such useless threads and by the way where are the bhaiyas.This is a site dedicated to IIT JEE and not silly stupid posts .instead why don't u attempt to solve difficult questions posted .
tiit is not a useless site like goiit
I mean this thread has 165 posts while serious questions put up by varun n others are being unanswered
I am equivalent to 2 guyz, so 132 + 2 + 2 = 136 [3][3][3][3][3][3]
this is equivalent to another 2 guyz replying........and i'm not posting consecutive replies. So 136 + 2 + 2 = 140 [3][3][3][3][3]