what is the IUPAC name of Na3[Co(NO2)6 ??? ...
How does the water accelerate the reaction rate in diels-alder reaction? can you guys explain detaily? ...
Q. In de brogile equation what is the units of KINETIC ENERGY?? ...
two set of four quantum no of an electron are written below a. ( n=4, l=3, m=3, s=1/2 ) b. ( n=3, l=2, m=-2, s=0 ) which one of this set is not correct and why. ...
1. Sate two limitation of Bhor's theory of Hydrogen. 2.Show that maximum no.of electrons in an energy level of an atom is 2n2. ...
1. Two sets of four quantum no. of an electron are written below a.( n=4, l=3, s=1/2). ...
1. Two ...
What is the shape of the d and f orbitals????are they three dimensional or two D??? ...
A weak base BOH of concentration 0.02 mole/litre has a pH value of 10.45.If 100 ml of the base is mixed with 10 ml of 0.1 M HCl, what will be the pH of the mixture? ...
Hey friends please tell me how JD Lee Concise Inorganic chemistry should be used for JEE preparation , I am asking this because this a very big book and require a lot of time , should I do the whole JEE Inorganic chemistry sy ...
can any one help me how to determine whether there are ny peroxide linkage or not without knowing the structure of the particular compound ...
The oxoanions of which element(in its highest oxidation state) shows least tendency to polymerise? A)B B)Cl C)S D)P doubts : on what factors does tendency to polymerize depend on?? ...
how do we infer which of the following disproportionate in aqueous solution; NO2 , N2O5 , N2O3 , Cl2O6 , ClO2 , Cl2O7 , SO2 , SO3 , P4O10. ...
Q: CsCl has BCC structure in which Cs atoms occupy Body Center and Cl the corner sites. If density is 3.99 g/cc , Calculate : a) The length of edge of Unit Cell b) The distance b/w Cs+ and Cl- ions Answers not matching ...
Conc H2SO4 is added to MOhr Salt to prevent hydrolysis but why do we use NH4+ ??? Otherwise just FeSO4 can be used for titraations why r we using Moher Salt. Wats so special about NH4+ in that salt?????? ...
What type of Questions come in AIEEE and WBJEE from Na More Specifically NaOH Na2O Na - Compounds ??? ...
The hybridization of Ni(CO)4 and Cr(H2O)62+, respectively are: Solution: It is sp3 and sp3d2, but none of the option matches. I have verified this from many sources. ...
when will the study materiaaaaaaal be posted?? ...
when will the study materiaaaaaaal be posted?? ...
guys, a couple of years back, when i attended the Ntse interview they asked me this question for which i openly admitted that i do not know the and the ques was "what is the reaction between NH3and Mg?" till this date i dont ...
when an electron jumps from a higher orbital to a lower orbital it radiate energy in the form of photons or waves but what is the reason that it doesnt this energy is given out in the form of heat there must be a reason ...
The odour of skunks is caused by chemical compounds called thiols. these compounds of which butanethiol (C4H10S) is a represntative example can be deodourised by reaction with household bleach (NaOCl) accorbing to the equatio ...
10mL of 1 N HCl is mixed with 20mL of 1M H2SO4 and 30mL of 1 M NaOH.The resultant solution has 1.20 meq of H+ions 2.20 meq of OH- 3.0 meq of H+ or OH- 4. 30 milli moles of H+ ...
can someone please suggesst me a boook on chemistry for studying the topics like gaseous state, stoichiometry nd all please...... suggest.... ...
i saw dis question in j.d.lee...there isn't any answer given... it says-a transition element usually exhibits higher oxidation state in its fluorides than it does in its iodides. a detailed explanation will b of great help.:) ...
What is the method for finding out the outer electronic configuration of actinoids and lanthanoids? A question came in AIEEE 2011 asking the same for Gd. How do we find it? ...
st1: hno3 is strongr acid than hno2.' st2: in hno3, there are 2 nitrogen to oxgen bonds, but in hno2,there's only 1. in ans--st 2 is given correct.... pls confrm it shud be incorrect. thanx ...
The general trend in ionization enthalpies should be B>Al>Ga>In>Tl as first I.E. decreases down a group. But the actual trend is B>Al<Ga>In<Tl. why????? ...
how does [Pt(NH3)2Cl4] show optical isomerism ? please explain giving diagramatic structures ...