What is the n-factor of H2O2 in the reaction : 2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 Please explain ...
Why are oxides with lower oxidation number of metals are basic while those with higher oxidation numbers are acidic in case of d-block elements? ...
Which BOOK(s) is best in INORGANIC CHEMISTRY for 1) THEORY 2) PRACTICE ??? PLZ HELP!!! ...
What actually happens when we add Hydrogen Peroxide to acidified Potassium Dichromate? Do we get a deep blue solution or a green solution? I have read both of them. Will the result be different if Sodium Peroxide is added ins ...
I have two questions. 1)Why do ionic hydrides have more density than the corresponding metals? I know that interstitial hydrides have lower density than the corresponding metals from which they were formed as the crystal latt ...
Please explain me about the solubilities of hydroxides,fluorides,sulphates,carbonates,chlorides,oxides of Group 1 and 2 metals Is there some logic to remember them. Help!! ...
in general , how can carbonate vs. bicarbonate detection test be carried out?? ...
which block does this element belong to?? [Xe] 6s2 4f7 5d1 a)s-block b)p-block c)d-block d)f-block Give proper reason plzz!:) ...
what is the oxidation state and no. of unpaired electrons of Fe in [Fe(H2O)5NO]SO4 the answer for oxidation state is given +1 and no. of unpaired electrons is given 3 how can these both be simultaneously true no of unpaired e ...
how HCl can be dried by passing through conc. sulfuric acid? ...
the ionization energy of barium is less thn tht of radium....this is different whn we compare the general trend in the group? does any one noe the reason??? ...
in the electronic structure of sulfhuric acid , the total number of unshared electrons is ....... also explain it ...
1.hypervalent compound is(are):- A.SO3-2 B.PO4-3 C.SO4-2 D.ClO4-1 what r hypervalent compounds? ...
1. How does Bond angle vary with the Electronegativity of Central Atom and Surrounding/Co ordinated atoms and WHY? 2. Phosphorus Pentachloride exists in SOlid state as -- 3. Compare the Shapes and geometry of Nitrite and Nitr ...
[pt (NH3)4 cl2] [ptcl2] write its iupac name....... ...
σ-bond is stronger than a Π-bond..... hence when electrons are filled in the molecular orbitals σ2px should be filled before Π2py (or 2pz), (as in case of molecules with no. of electrons ≥ 15).... but for molecules with ...
The pair of compounds which cannot exist together in solution is- (A) NaHCO3 and NaOH (B) NaHCO3 and H2O (C) NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 (D) Na2CO3 and NaOH ...
Which of these have non-zero Dipole moment?? *Image* with proper explanation!! ...
if the bond length of CO bond in carbon monoxide is 1.128 A, then the CO bond length in Fe(CO)5 is : (a)1.15 A (b)1.128 A (c)1.72 A (d)1.118 A ...
the no. of S-S bond in S3O9 : ...
which is n-acceptor ligand? a) no+ b) nH3 C) en d) dmg ...
the vale of the spin only magnetic moment for one of the following configuration is 2.84 bm ...the correct one is: a) d5 in strong ligand field only b) d3 in weak as well as strong fields c) d4 in weak ligand fields d) d4 in ...
in metal carbonyls which bond formation takes place to stabilize the first bond? what is the effect of formation of this bond on the bond orfer of the bond between c & o in co of metal carbonyls? ...
what is the relation between ^o and ^t where ^o represents energy difference between t2g and eg orbital.and ^t represents energy difference between t2 & eg???explain the relation.... ...
in Mn2(co)10 which bond is present between givem metals Mn???? ...
which is the only vitamin present in rain water?? ...
wht r suboxides??????????? plz xplain wid examples........ ...
*Image* Explain All e conceps , ...
a question , really importent: does the percentage ionic character of a compund lattice(or simple element lattice ) depend upon the lattice enthalpy value of that compund? if yes how? i just mean that can we compare two compo ...
1.. *Image* ...