A) is the correct answer....
Identify the correct order of acidic strengths of CO2,CuO,CaO,H2O
A. CaO<CuO<H2O<CO2
B. H2O<CuO<CaO<CO2
C. CaO<H2O<CuO<CO2
D. H2O<CO2<CaO<CuO
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11 Answers
CaO → Ca(OH)2 which is more basic than Cu(OH)2.
So CuO which gives Cu(OH)2 is more acidic than CaO.
Is that OK ?
can u elaborate ??
"CaO → Ca(OH)2 which is more basic than Cu(OH)2.
So CuO which gives Cu(OH)2 is more acidic than CaO."
Yes.More is the electronegativity difference more is the basic nature.
hearing this for first time.....electronegativity used to find nature of bond is what i have heard....but acidity and basicity ???[7][7]
can anyone give details ???
In general, the electropositive character of the oxide's central atom will determne whether the oxide will be acidic or basic. The more electropositive the central atom the more basic the oxide. The more electronegative the central atom, the more acidic the oxide. Electropositive character increases from right to left across the periodic table and increases down the column
in oxides if the metal attached to oxygen is more electro+ve then oxygen can easily donate its lone pair of electron.....which determines the basic nature.......
In CaO & CuO, Ca is more electro+ve.....Oxygen pulls the shared the electron more towards itself which increases the electron density on Oxygen atom.....and makes it more basic.....