Please give a reply inorganic geniuses
In nitroprusside ion, the iron & NO exists as Fe(2) & NO+ rather than Fe(3) & NO.These forms can be differentiated by-
a)estimating the conc. Of iron
b)measuring the conc. Of CN-
c)measuring the solid state magnetic moment
d)themally decomposing the compound
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9 Answers
·2009-03-06 04:46:43
hey all of you read this one
nice one...
·2009-11-26 04:35:16
Nitroprusside ion is a complex specie- [Fe(CN)5(NO)]2-
Definitely, none of the specie(s) present inside will give a +ve test as the ions won't separate out ; nor wud heating give ny desired result....
So, the only way left to determine the oxid.n state(s) is by finding out the magnetic moment...Hence (c) is right.