after analysing the structure of SnCl2 we see tha it contains two lone pairs on the Sn atom
those lone pairs can be donated and thus it can act as a reducing agent..
how can SnCl2, a reducing agent???..
it must be oxidising agent..what u think...
after analysing the structure of SnCl2 we see tha it contains two lone pairs on the Sn atom
those lone pairs can be donated and thus it can act as a reducing agent..
dude,donation of electron donot makes any compound, reducing or oxidising agent..............
yes i think SnCl2 makes a pretty good red agent as it gets oxidised in two ways
Sn2+ → Sn4+
Cl- → Cl2
but due to inert pair effect, sn+2 will be more stable than sn+4, so it must acts as oxidising reagent...................
but from the definition of reduction and oxidation my explanation should be correct!!
sncl2 is reducing agent in presence of HCl only because it releases nascent hydrogen AND ANIONS
sncl2 + HCl-------------> {sncl3}- + H+
dude i agree with the inert pair thingy but given the chance it wont hesitate to oxidise in presince of oxidising agents
and satan wat def r u talkin abt