is it multiple choice ?
ans : a, b, d ??
Which of the following pairs have identical shapes?
a) AlCl3, SO3
b) BeCl2, CO2
c) SF6, XeF6
d) XeF2, CO2
In this type of questions shud v consider the fact that AlCl3 and BeCl2 occur as trimers and dimers respectivelty???
coz then the shape of AlCl3 and SO3 can obviously not be the same!!!!
well... sankara,,,
c for sure is not identical cos..
Sef6 is square pyramidal and Xef6 is capped octahedral.
yah its a,b,d
the point was to know wetherr 2 treat alcl3 as Al2Cl6 or not!!!
okie.... so i told first only ...
take the compounds just as they are given ...
not in any other form ...
if u are given borax as Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O take it that way ...
dun take it Na2B4O7.10H2O .... like this...