1. If Boron had d-orbitals then it would have been possible to form compounds with +5 oxdn state. But as it doesnt have, B can show +3 oxdn state only. When B accepts a pair of electrons then it can show max. covalence of 4 as in [BF4]+
Explanation reqd for the following statements:
1)"It is due to the absence of the d-orbital that the maximum covanlce of Boron is 4"
2)"Borax(Na2B4O7.10H2O)is said to contain the tetranuclear units[B4O5(OH)4]2- and correct formula therefore is Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O "
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3 Answers
ya..2) is also correct
the correct explanation would be its structure i suppose
its given in JD LEE..i am sure u || love its structure, atleast i do :)
See more questions can be made from Borax molecule
like hyb of B atoms in Borax can be asked, it is both sp2 and sp3 ..see urself
and ya forgot to mention, two cations are [Na(H2O)4]+
1)Boron has an EC of 1s2 2s2 2p1 putting it in and making an Electron unpaired
we see that it has an
O.State of +4 in presence of d-orbital it would have been Five
2)Borax here is sp2 and sp3 hybridisaiton and the diagram is as given above