n=3 . implies. it has 3d7 config. which means an outer orbital complex is formed. thus we can have an sp3 hybridisaiotn . not dsp2 . so the shape is tetrahedral.
A salt of Cobalt(2+) when dissolved in excess of HCl ,forms a 4-coordinated complex whose magnetic moment is found to be 3.87Bm.Predict the shape of complex,giving explaination.
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2 Answers
·2008-10-31 13:00:01
√n(n+2) = 3.87
so n=3
Now there it is a 4 coordinated complex..
So it has 7 bonds..
it will be planar structure.. with 4 bonds in the same plane..
2 electrons in the vertical direction.. and more like a trapezeum
I am not fully confident.. but i feel this could be the way
·2008-11-01 21:05:23