3. Carbogen is:
(a) mixture of CO + CO2
(b) mixture of O2+CO2
(c) pure form of carbon
(d) unsaturated organic compound
1.Gas that strikes in thundering of light is:
(a) CO
(b) NO
(c) CO2
(d) H2
2. Borax is used as a buffer since:
(a)its aqueous sol. contains equal amount of weak acid and its salt
(b) it is easily available
(c) its aq sol contains equal amt of strong acid and its salt
(d) statement that it is a buffer is wrong.
3. Carbogen is:
(a) mixture of CO + CO2
(b) mixture of O2+CO2
(c) pure form of carbon
(d) unsaturated organic compound
4. The number of P-O-P BONDS IN cyclic metaphosporic acid is:
(A) 0
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Q.1) the gas is NO.
Q.2) Aqueous borax acts as a strong buffer.
[B4O7]2- + H2O → 2[ B(OH)4 ]-(CONJUGATE BASE) + 2B(OH)3(WEAK ACID)
here their concentration in the reaction is 1:1
Q.3)Carbogen refers to the mixture of CO2 and O2 (IN ANY PROPORTION)
Q.4)I don't know abt this acid, but it might be reffering to cyclic metadiphosphate ion.
so,it might be 2.
Q.5)A. By reaction of Mg3N2 with D2O.
6.( Me)2SiCl2 on hydrolysis will produce:
(c) [-O-(Me)2Si-O-]n
(d) Me2SiCl(OH)
it will give : a) (Me)2Si(OH)2.
this is because alkyl substituted chloro silanes on hydrolysis gives alkyl substituted hydroxyls,which on polymerisation gives silicones.
then it might be referring to polymerised state i.e. silicones.
c) represents silicones.
normally, it should be a). if a) is not given, then c).
but thats just my own opinion
7. In graphite additional electrons are :
(a) localised on each C-atom
(b) localised on every third C-atom
(c) present in anti-bonding orbital
(d) delocalised forming extended pi- bonding system
Q.7) the additional e-s r delocalised forming extended pi-bonding system.
because these electrons in the remaining p-orbitals r used to form a pi-bond and each C-atom shares pi-bond with its neighbours and pi-electrons r delocalised.this increases the electrical conductivity of graphite