A particle of mass 2m is projected at an angle of 45 degree with the horizontal with a velocity of 20√2 m/s. After 1 sec, explosion takes place and the particle is broken into two equal pieces. As a result of explosion one part comes to rest. Find the maximum height attained by the other part

5 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

the vertical component initially is 20m/s

after 1 second,

it becomes 20-10.1= 10m/s

then it explodes in 2.. one comes to rest.. thus new velocity becomes 20m/s (vertical compononet again!)

So the max height from this time it can travel is 202/2.10=20m

In the 1st second it travelled 15 m..

total will be 35 m

see calculation errorrs.. :)

big looser ......... ·

but why verticle component of velocity of C.O.M will be constant

Abhishek Priyam ·

No the vertical component of velocity is not constant... at the instant after 1 sec it is 10ms-1. So after explosion also (same instant) velocity of second part should be such as that to make vcom=10 ms-1 (at that instant). So 20 ms-1

Lokesh Verma ·

yup... the vertical compoent became 20 again.. (i did not mention it.. but you can see the line above

So the max height from this time it can travel is 202/2.10=20m

big looser ......... ·


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