is it
suppose there is fluid filled along the length of the tube and
density is p
angular velocity is w
area of cross section is a
and there is an orifice at the end
find the velocity of the fluid coming out!!!
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8 Answers
well first we find the force on the wall by integration
F=\int_{0}^{L}{\omega ^2\rho Axdx}
and pressure = F/A
and velocity = \frac{\omega L}{2}
outside P=0, velocity v
apply bernoulli equation to get ans..............
well u see the fluid will be in the whole tube so effectively we take its com at L/2
so speed of fluid is taken as \frac{\omega L }{2}
the 'h' in the diagram will be 'l'...
i've taken too many assumption.. this type problem i had done but that was a bit different... so please tell me if i am wrong..