balancing forces u will get mean position,,
balancing energy u will get max compression
All surfaces are smooth and frictionless. Force constant of spring is k. What is maximum compression of spring when system is released from rest?
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21 Answers
confirm whether #3 or #4 is right
either of us mayve made a mistake
at the end point or the lower most point when the block starts to move back to the upper direction v will be zero
hence the conservation :)
nishant sir
plz tell how to get the above equation(in post #18)
kx2 =2mgH (energy conserved)
i know i m asking dumb thing.......but plz tell how we get the above equation!!!!
john u r using
balancing forces technique which is wrong here
as the wedge will continue to move even afer forces are balanced (due to gained velocity)
use energy conservation
kx2 =2mgH (energy conserved)
H= xtanθ (constraint)
so the ans
is theta not given?!
or do we have to solve this problem over all different values of theta..
I did now understand
there are two x's!
You seem to have managed using just one!
and what is the theta you are taking?
because your answers could be the same if you and celestine and john are using the same theta
theta is not given in the question!
1/2kx(m)^2 = mgx(M) x(m/M) ==> distance moved by m /M
x = 2mg/ktan@ ...... wonder were i went rong ?????
solving it is simple ..............
only concept of constraints and engy conservation is invoved ..................... acc. to mah constraint eqxn. i got tan theta in denominater in the ans unless ive made a calc . ...................