isnt it the path trased by a pt on the end of a sphere durng pure rollin....[frm RD]
A cycloid is a curve so that time of descent under action of gravity is minimum for any two pts on the curve
find its eq
( be original no copywork Q inspired from a model in a science park i visited )
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it goes in a path such that its x and y coordinates have ..
WRt + Rsin(Wt) , R-RcosWt ....... where R,W,t are various parameters !!!!! solving we can get equation of path
yes but im looking for a derivation !!
i was able to find T =0x∫dx√(f'(x)2+1)/2gf(x)
but then how do you proceed ????
iitimcommin i already said no copywork
i know the formulas
but unable to find a proof
oh!! u r tryin to derive using the def. od the cycloid u gave ...............
but i did it in a much simpler way ........... using the fact that a cycloid is the path trased by a pt on the end[on circumfrence] of a sphere durng pure rollin.....
will try to do with ur def .............
anywayz ... wat model did u cum across..............................???????
dude u shud enjoying life after acing all exams .....
its easily derivable using the pur rolling thingi i mentioned bfore .... AND IT WAS NOT COPYWORK
yes deriving eq using that rolling thingy is easy but i m asking in the particular prob abv how do u proceed ??? and yes i dont know wat means enjoying life to you but for me maths and phy are a passion so i enjoy life before after and during exams [3]
such a curve is also called a brachistorone .I know a proof involving langrangian mechanics! I dont think it has got a trivial proof ..