Also 4?
If for a system of N particles of different masses m1, m2....mN with PVs r1, r2.....rN and corresponding velocities v1, v2...vN such that Σvi = 0, then
1) The total momentum must be 0.
2) The total angular momentum must be independent of the choice of the origin.
3) The total force on the system must be 0.
4) The total torque on the system must be 0.
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 4
4 Answers
Anirudh Kumar
·2011-04-21 21:24:52
option 2 must be correct .
L = Σmiviri
now suppose the origin shifts to ro
Lnew = Σmivi(ri-ro)
= Σmiviri - 0
·2011-04-22 02:47:47
how'd u put (Ro)sumation (Mi)(Vi)=0?
i dont think it shud be 0
only summation V i =0
·2011-04-23 01:01:14
Anirudh...that was my answer too but they gave 1st option as the correct one.