fluids - conceptual

STATEMENT:for an ideal fluid flowing thru a horizontal pipe of non uniform cross section,the pressure decreases with decrease in cross section

i found this statement in an assertion reason qn and it is given that it is true,can anyone explain how?

8 Answers

Abhishek Priyam ·


if area decreases v increases.. and by Bernaul'is theorem.. if v increase P decreases

msp ·

cant be said becos the nature of flow is not mentioned

Vivek ·

thanks, priyam

sankara,the fluid is non viscous

Abhishek Priyam ·

But whatever be the flow.. if fluid is ideal... mass conservation can be applied... and although bernaulli's theorem can't be applied in non streamlined flow.. but then also pressure decreases( i think)

msp ·

can u post the full question vivek

iitimcomin ·

yep its true provided the pipe is horizontal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vivek ·

full qn

STATEMENT 1:for an ideal fluid flowing thru a horizontal pipe of non uniform cross section,the pressure decreases with decrease in cross section

STATEMENT 2:Speed decreases with increase in cross section

Asish Mahapatra ·

it is true.....
See. P1 + (1/2)ρ(v1)2 = P2 + (1/2)ρ(v2)2 ...... (i)
As, fluid is ideal.... hence
A1v1 = A2v2 ...... (ii)

As, in statement 1, pressure decreases, hence speed will increase.......(from eqn (i))
Hence area of cross section should decrease (.....from equation (ii))

Hope u cud understand.

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