2 Answers
Dwijaraj Paul Chowdhury
·2014-04-07 21:03:57
Sir...there was no appropriate option for this question
So i didnt attempt it...do i get the bonus mark?
- Soumyadeep Basu How was your exam, Dwijaraj?Upvote·0· Reply ·2014-04-07 21:40:19
- Dwijaraj Paul Chowdhury Chemistry aar maths bhalo...physics ta kerom ekta chilo :/ tor kemon hoeche?
- Soumyadeep Basu Bhalo na. Ei around 240 hoyto pabo. Chemistry-te koekta baje bhul korechi.
- Anik Chatterjee i also found physics quite strange....motamuti...beshi bhalo paper chilo naa physics er...
- Soumyadeep Basu Sir, generally what happens when a question has no options correct? Do they cancel the question or give everyone bonus marks?
- Akash Anand @Soumyadeep In both the cases there wont be any difference in ranking
- Soumyadeep Basu OK, Sir.