look man for irodov u need to have a damn good base in maths . u wanted an outline.without maths how do u expect to solve physics.so better start working on maths
i was going thru irodov and it struck me most o the problems i cant solve is coz i dont hv a sufficient mathematical base
like the famous sum of cats and dog
i am unable to solve it i hv the concpet but i dont know know how to proceed and how to make questions which are sqolvable
if i try to do whole of calculus practiacally it will take a lot of time + it does not hv mathematical modelling ...... so can anyone give me a shortcut if it exists... like some book which has all the maths required for physics
thnx in advnce
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6 Answers
only learning the basic concepts of differentiation will do (dont go into details of continuity and differentiability) . learn the formulae and graphical interpretation of differentiation.
for integration, have the concepts cleared and only basic formulae .once again know the graphical interpretation.
besides be sure of trigonometry formulae and the formulae of general binomial th.
:) -- know addition and subtraction( just joking)
that will do
p.s.-- be sure of graphical interpretation of integration
is that al required for physics in irodov............ see
in this sum the working by celestine ahsd too much calculius in it ....
well der wasnt much calc ivoved in tht soln by celes
but one advice.....if u can... every coachning institute at the starting of the physics corse der in 11th provides u with a module on basic maths thats needed for physics.....if u can get that from anywhere get it....i mean every coaching whether be fiijee bt reso.....etc
aur waisey bhi u jus need to get hold on basic calc in phys that will do
On the contrary to popular belief, most problems of Irodov require no more that the theory of quadratic expressions and a little bit of integration.