ya was doing a mistake in writing equation..........................now i'm done [3]
A sphere of radius ' r ' is projected up and inclined plane for which \mu =\left(\frac{1}{}7 \right)tan\theta with a velocity ' v0 ' and initial angular velocity \omega _{0}(v_{0}>r\omega _{0}). . Prove that friction acts downwards at first and upwards afterwards. Further prove that the total time of rise is ; \frac{7v_{0}+4\omega _{0}r}{18gsin\theta }
that thng in diagram is ω0
UP 0 DOWN 0 0 3
3 Answers
whats there to solve in the frst question?
in frst case there is forward slipping...so friction is backword..
in second case if the surface were hrizontal then there would be no friction but since the surface is tilted, there wud be a tendency to slip back to stop which forward oriented friction is existent!!!